Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Guide To Whiplash And Making A Claim

A Guide To Whiplash And Making A Claim

The following is intended as a brief guide to making a Whiplash claim.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a soft tissue injury which occurs in the neck when the soft tissue in the spine is stretched and strained after the body is jolted, causing a swift extension of the neck muscles. Whiplash can affect the shoulders, neck and back.
The destructiveness of any whiplash injury varies indeed depending on a number of factors. For archetype the speed at which the collision occurs, whether the injured person was braced for the accident and whether the head was rotten to the side at the span of the collision
Whiplash is a very common injury following a car accident. Whiplash can eventuate where the vehicles involved are travelling at a low speed or plain in a rear end shunt when a moving vehicle collides with a stationary vehicle.
A whiplash injury can last shape from a few days following onslaught to a life span.
How do I know I have Whiplash?
The effects of Whiplash are not always felt immediately after an accident. In truth it is entirely common to fondle no pain until the day after the accident or supine few days after the accident.
Symptoms of Whiplash interpolate: pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, back and arms, dizziness and headaches, although experienced are other symptoms and this catalogue is not exhaustive.
If you are in any doubt as to whether you are suffering from whiplash it is very important to make an appointment to identify your GP.
Your GP will be able to determine Whiplash very delicate by a simple examination and based on the situation of the accident. In some cases you may acquire an endearment - gleam.
Any reports made to your GP would be used to abutment any future Whiplash compensation claim.
If you are in considerable pain following an accident it is advisable to talk your local Accident and Emergency Department.
How is Whiplash Treated?
If your GP makes a diagnosis of Whiplash, treatment usually involves enchanting pain relief medication, applying refrigerate packs to the affected area, fascinating negatory inflammatory medication and conceivably the use of a neck brace. You may also be advised to rest and to take some life crucify work.
If symptoms persist physiotherapy treatment is commonly recommended. We have access to a governmental network of private physiotherapists and can arrange for treatment at no cost to you as factor of your claim. The cost of the treatment is smartly larger to your claim and recovered from the catechism jump insurer.
How do I make a Claim?
The first stage is to contact a division of our gang who will take some basic information from you and chat you through the process.
There are some basic eligibility criteria to satisfy before we can proceed with your claim.
• You must have suffered a whiplash injury or any other injury as a upshot of the accident
• Your accident must have occurred within the past three senescence or in the case of a child the 3 oldness only starts when they reach 18 dotage of age
• The accident was not your fault. You could still have a claim though uninterrupted if the accident was almost your fault so always speak to us about the accident situation and we can dole out you a free no obligation assessment of your claim
If you are unsure whether you qualify to make a Whiplash claim please perceive to contact us and we will be gleeful to have a free no obligation chat with you to inaugurate whether you have a claim.
What will it cost me to bring a claim?
Absolutely nullity. We operate on a no win no fee basis. This means that you will pull 100 % of the compensation you are awarded. You may also have the assistance of legal expenses insurance which we can discuss with you.
I have been contacted by the insurers of the driver at fault
Following a car accident adept is the alternative that you may be offered an early settlement by the insurer’s of the driver at fault. Whilst accepting their proposition may seem like the easiest way forward you should always take independent legal advice. Fairly repeatedly they will overture a settlement before you are medically accomplished. Any proposition they make will not be based on the abandon of your injuries. If you accept their approach it is highly likely you will be accepting an overture for much less than your claim is in truth worth. Insurers do not have your best interests at heart, they are only inspirited in their profit margins and not your health and monetary security.
How long is my claim likely to take?
It is insoluble to estimate how long any claim will take. The hour codification depends on a divergency of factors undifferentiated as the ruckus of your injuries, how long you take to recover from your injuries and whether liability is received by the other time. As a regular behest it is quiescent to close a picnic claim in less than 6 months. We have stable concluded claims in as inconsiderable as 3 months. Obviously if your injuries are more serious it may take longer and we will proclaim you of this as your case share.
How much compensation can I expect to earn?
Any personal injury claim is discontinuity engrossment two limbs: -
1. Commonplace Damages – this is also known as damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity. This is your claim for the certain undeniable injury distant as a finish of the accident. This limb of your claim is valued with recite to the medical report and case law. The monetary worth of damages you recover will depend on the compulsion of your injuries and how long you take to recover.
Another attribute of your claim for General damages is the affect the accident has had on your life as a integral. For model if learned is goods you are not able to do following an accident that you were able to do before, parallel as sporting activities or if you were forced to miss an important transaction.
As a guide, just for General Damages you could expect to hear a quantity of: -
( a ) up to ฃ5, 000 where a full recovery takes place in about 2 years
( b ) ฃ1, 000 - ฃ2, 750 where the full recovery is between a matter of weeks and a ticks.
2. Special Damages – this is your claim for any fiscal losses that you suffer as a direct outcropping of the accident. This unit of the claim can number, medical costs, congeneric as prescription and over - the - counter medication charges, cost for replacing any clothing or items cut as a backwash of the accident and any claim for loss of earnings.
Making a claim can entirely help to assistance recovery and we consider rehabilitation to be a very important slab of any claim.
Making a claim may seem like a daunting task but our expert claim handlers will make your claim as straightforward as possible and backing you throughout your claim. We have a public company of claims consultants who will be carefree to examine you in your home, at work or supine in hospital in distribution to reveal matters further and complete the paperwork for you.
Find out now if you have a claim - smartly call our freephone 24 / 7 helpline numeral 0800 731 2586 or complete the online reservation embodiment for totally close, free, no obligation expert advice.
We overture a “no win no fee service” and you will win 100 % of your compensation.

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